There are periodic small “outbreaks” in many parts of the world, including in the Middle East, where there is a high incidence in slaughterhouse workers and butchers.
The PowerPoints we produced were delivered in Arabic to about 100 veterinarians, public health professionals, slaughterhouse workers, and butchers. The presentations ran once a week for six weeks. After each presentation a quiz was delivered to verify that learning objectives were met.
Subsequent to the live training program, LifeStock developed a color booklet highlighting these concepts using many illustrations and photos for distribution to various institutions throughout the country. More than 15,000 booklets were delivered to all slaughtering plants, butchers’ associations, veterinary colleges, departments of health, and throughout the Ministry of Agriculture. We were able to have them printed on a tough polymer paper for longevity.
This project was funded by the US Bioengagement Program through the American Society for Microbiology.