Veterinary students, graduate students in related fields, or practicing veterinarians can submit proposals for participation in LifeStock International projects. (You can see our list of international projects at under the heading called MORE.)
Proposals can be submitted at any time for review. Student proposals for participation in projects will be reviewed quarterly at Board of Directors meetings (approximately in February, May, August, November).
Students are expected to participate in projects for at least six weeks. Students are expected to prepare and submit a summary presentation of their work no longer than 60 days following the end of their project participation in a format agreed upon by their LifeStock project representative.
Please complete all fields below...
1] Applicant name:
2] Applicant field of study, expected degree, and expected graduation date or if practicing veterinarian, field of work and graduation date:
3] Applicant university affiliation:
4] Applicant university advisor (not applicable for practicing veterinarian):
5] LifeStock International project name in which Applicant wishes to participate or provide a new project proposal title:
6] Country in which Applicant wishes to participate:
7] LifeStock International representative responsible for Applicant:
8] Applicant description of their long-term goals in global animal health (maximum 250 words):
9] Overview of Applicant specific goals and the probable impact of participation that will be satisfied by project participation (maximum 250 words):
10] Applicant description of their background preparation for participation in this global animal health project (maximum 250 words), including:
A) Dates of completion of LifeStock International online training modules (at Applicants are required to complete all modules 1-8 and to send completed quizzes to faculty sponsor.
B) Curriculum vitae/resume
C) Please attach 1 letter of recommendation from professional advisor or colleague (for student applicants, advisor needs to confirm completion of all modules in this letter).
● Timeline to provide letter of recommendation:
● Timeline of in-country work:
● Short video on completion of project (optional)
● Submit pictures from in-country work
● Presentation to academic center on return (share with LifeStock; invite Lifestock and faculty sponsor and colleague submitting letter of recommendation)
● Enter Line Items
● Total:_____
Funding request to LifeStock (maximum $5,000 USD):_____
Funding source other than LifeStock International funding:_____
Please send your application to-